GMP Trends has served Quality, Regulatory, and Manufacturing Professionals in pharmaceuticals and medical device production by trending 483’s and compliance data since 1979.

Twice-Monthly Trends Report, Annual Report, Quarterly Special Topics Report

Each of our reports is created with the same goal in mind: to equip your team with the information necessary to stay in compliance. Our reports increase the productivity of your team by keeping all involved informed on what other firms are messing up, so that your team can get it right the first time. GMP Trends Reports are an essential tool that can deliver value to every department pharmaceutical and medical device companies by supporting compliance and regulatory intelligence. Our clients have used our reports across their entire companies, using it on teams including QA, regulatory, chemist, operations, and manufacturing.
Twice Monthly Trends Report

Our scientists use real, relevant, and recent 483's to write the GMP Trends® Twice Monthly Report every two weeks. This report covers observations for manufacturing controls, laboratory controls, and medical device controls. Each issue features a rotating category. These rotating categories include: Sterile manufacturing controls, active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing controls, packaging and label controls and data integrity.

Annual Report

The GMP Trends® Annual Report is a review of FDA Inspection Observations for the previous Fiscal Year. The report includes examples of cited observations from actual Form 483s, trends of top-cited observations for Drug and Device Facilities. The Annual Report is published in the first quarter of the year.

Quarterly Special Topics Report

The GMP Trends Special Topics Quarterly Report expands on the Twice-Monthly report by focusing on one specific topic regardless of industry. Special Topic Quarterly Reports contain observations about topics including but not limited to change control, validation, and stability.

Inspected Facility List

The Inspected Facility List is a summary of domestic and foreign drug and device facilities that were inspected by FDA during a certain quarter. It specifies if an inspected facility received a 483, the time duration of the facility’s inspection, and its CFR citations, when available.

GMP Newsletter

If FDA is inspecting your firm, one of the first places they will investigate is […]

In our February 1st Issue, we highlight a specific 483-observation concerning rejected secondary packaging materials […]

In GMP Trends Issue Number 1152, we highlight observations related to manpower limitations and the […]